Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ukrainian Sovereignty

For my last blog I decided to take a step back from domestic politics and focus on some international news.  We live in a world characterized by globalization, so I feel that it is of great necessity that we understand what is going on around the globe.  What happens in one part of the world no longer stays isolated, instead it produces a ripple effect throughout the world's political landscape. I would like to take some time to discuss something that I believe will have major implications on the globalized world. Thus, the focus of this blog centers upon the ongoing military conflict in the Ukraine, and the media's coverage of it.

As we mark the one year anniversary of the ousting of  the corrupt former president, Viktor Yanukovych, there isn't very much for the Ukrainians to celebrate.  Their sovereignty is being clearly violated by Putin and the Russians, while the West imposes sanctions and does various other forms of chest pounding in response.  Many Ukrainians, as those pictured to the left, have repeatedly compared Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler and former Russian leader, Joseph Stalin.  Many around the globe have even went so far to say that Putin is attempting to resurrect the old glory days of the U.S.S.R, an opinion that I admittedly share.

One would expect that with such a world war inducing conflict, the media would be all over this.  I shared this opinion until I decided to scan various media outlets over the past few days, and in fact found that only BBC had any mention of the Ukraine on its front page.  Even Al-Jazeera's American website, a site that I deem to be credible,  made no mention of it.  Some of the other primary news sources that I checked were: Fox News, CNN, NY Times, AJC, and even the LA Times.  What does that say about America, that our media outlets feel that such story should be excluded from the front pages?  Is it not newsworthy enough?  I think that the one year anniversary of a nations people standing up to corruption, as well as their current ongoing struggle, deserves some media attention.

 As I browsed the stories that did make make the front page, I guess I can understand why it didn't make it on there.  I mean, who wouldn't want to know about how well the new "Hunger Games"movie did and why exactly Kenny Chesney thinks that country music needs to change. The media gets a lot of criticism for what they cover and how they cover it, but they are just simply giving the people what they want.  I am not saying that the media doesn't warrant some of the criticism given, but if the people didn't crave pure entertainment, the media may choose to focus on stories that actually matter.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Political Knowledge

In class this week we took a public knowledge quiz that was comprised of various domestic and international political knowledge questions.  I scored a 10 out of 12 which, according to the results, was higher than 92 percent of the participants.  The results also showed a further breakdown of the results in the form of three categories, with each also containing sub-categories. I was curious to see how those outside of the political science realm would score so I decided to give the quiz to sixteen individuals that I work with at AT&T and a few willing customers.  

I feel that the sample size was adequately represented, as it contained at least four participants from each sub-category. The results were quite different from my own and from my classmates who posted their scores in the discussion forum.  Only one participant, a 52 year old male, answered at least 8 out of 12 correct.  Three participants answered 7 out of 12 correct, seven answered 6 out of 12 correct, four answered 5 out of 12 correct, and one participant answered only 3 out of 12 correctly.  The results were consistent with the sub-categories breakdown of correct answers by gender, education and age.  There were two questions that revolved around international affairs that none of the participants answered correctly, while on the domestic side, there was only one.

While I didn't have as much time as I wanted to further analyze the results, they were eye-opening nonetheless.  None of the participants were students of political science, and many answered that they weren't very politically involved unless it was an election year.  When asked where they get their political information, most of them said they just watch the news.  Over half said that that their main media outlet was Fox News, which given our location, wasn't that surprising.  Only one participant, the one that scored 8 out of 12, said that he watches news from outlets such as BBC and Al Jazeera.

I recognize that my sample was purely from one geographical area and that it most certainly isn't reflective of the United States as a whole, but in terms of political knowledge, I think that it is safe to say that we are lacking.  Take the knowledge quiz below and feel free to share your results as well as anything else:

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Loretta Lynch

After the overwhelming midterm victories by the Republican Party, the first major decision by Congress will be the appointment of Loretta Lynch as the new United States Attorney General.  Several prominent Republicans, such as Marco Rubio from Texas, feel as though the vetting process should be postponed until the beginning of the new session of Congress, which is in January.  Like many, Rubio feels as though a lame duck session of Congress, in which many senators will be no longer answerable to their constituents, is not a good idea.  On the contrary, many Democrats are in a hurry to begin the process because as of right now, they still control the senate.  Either way, the confirmation process seems to like its going to be a battle with neither side willing to give an inch.

For further information about Lynch's appointment I decided to examine two different news stories, with one leaning right (Fox News) and the other leaning left (CNN).  While there were some similarities, as I have come to expect, there were also sharp differences in the reporting. The Fox News article portrayed Lynch as someone who seems qualified, but was quick to quote Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, who said that "U.S. Attorney's are rarely elevated directly to this position".  They also mentioned her recent filing of tax evasion charges against Republican Michael Grimm.  They made it a point to throw in the fact that he recently won re-election despite this.  In my view this was a way of discrediting Lynch's capabilities.

The CNN article was favorable to the president's nomination as they spoke extensively about her qualifications. They use quotes to affirm that she is not a partisan lawyer and that her experience will be paramount in handling the high profile civil rights cases, such as the Michael Brown murder.  They also use quotes from other highly prominent lawyers to support the presidents nomination, as well as her non-opposed confirmations by the senate in the past, saying that the "Republicans did not view her as controversial".  The article also quotes prominent Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham, who said that "Lynch seems to be a solid choice and is qualified". Graham also expressed no opposition to vetting Lynch during the current session of Congress.

Read the full articles below and tell me what you think.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fact Checking Political Ads

As the midterm elections are upon us, we have seen an increasing number of political ads.  As someone who is a student of politics, I feel confident that I am able to see past the rhetoric and the lies.  But can the same be said for your everyday citizen?  Or, are they simply taking what they see on television and hearing on the radio as the truth?  I must admit that some of the ads are quite convincing, and that the fact that nearly one billion dollars has been spent on them should tell us something.  They effectively use all of the production components that West discusses in order to make us believe that what they say is the truth.  So what happens when these ads are put to the test by way of a thorough fact check?  

Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post wrote an article discussing the top ten fact checked ads of the 2014 midterm elections.  Four of the top ten ads came from the senatorial race in Louisiana between Sen. Mary Landrieu and Rep. Bill Cassidy, both of whom are pictured above.  Each of the candidates and their supporting pacs have put forth ads that have proven to be nothing more than a pack of lies.  They range from lies about immigration, veterans rights, tax cuts for outsourcing jobs and tragedies brought on by not supporting the second amendment.  After reading this I couldn't help but think, how do these candidates have any credibility with their voters?  

My home state of Georgia was not immune to the false ads either.  Anyone who has watched television in Georgia in recent months is surely aware of David Perdue's ad that linked Michelle Nunn with terrorist groups.  This was proven to be utterly false.  The claim's only evidence was from a Nunn campaign plan that stated that the Republicans would use that as a bogus attack.  The Points of Light Foundation was simply a pass through for donations by E-Bay users to charitable organizations , one of which was a well respected group that had the word "Islamic" in their name.

There were five other ads that were fact checked from midterms around the nation.  Each one of them proved to be egregiously false and misleading.  It is up to each of us to be informed and not take these political ads at face value.  We shouldn't let these steer us in the wrong direction, which includes away from the voting booth all together.  If we don't do anything about, then we have no right to complain about it.

Read the full article below: