As we are getting closer and closer to the midterm elections, the negative political ads are airing more and more. This week we are learning about the principles that are used in political advertising, which are stereotyping, association, demonetization and code words . The one that has been most prevalent in Georgia has been association. The association principle links a candidate to an unpopular cause or other person.
As the image above portrays, the majority of the attack ads have been aimed at associating Michelle Nunn with President Obama and the Affordable Healthcare Act. This has been the main ammunition used by the Perdue campaign and even more so with ads sponsored by Pacs. Recently I was at the gym, and decided to count the number of times that ads such these were aired. In a span of one hour on CBS, there were a total of attacks ran that associated Nunn with President Obama and the Affordable Healthcare Act. Each ad ran for about 30 seconds, which meant that a total of nine and a half minutes of a one hour newscast featured negative ads.
That is not to say that the attack ads were one sided. The Nunn campaign and supporting Pacs also bought airtime to run their negative ads. In that same one hour span, there were a total of 9. So in total, in a one hour newscast, a total of fourteen minutes was dedicated to negative ads. Personally, I think that enough is enough! This a prime example of how politics has become so polarizing. Like many, I am tired of all the negativity that has plagued every election that I have been eligible to vote in. It decreases my motivation to even get out and vote. I am confident that I am not alone in this, and strongly feel that going forward this aspect of campaigning has to change in order to avoid further citizen alienation.
Check out the ads below:
Check out the ads below: